Happy Valentine's Day :-)

Well it's that time of the year when people profess their undying "love" for their beloved by sharing roses, chocolates, teddy bears and all such "useless" items..(Yes the grapes are sour!).. Anyway,I spent today sharing memes on Valentine's day with other people who also found that the grapes were sour! Heh heh heh..

So we were having this discussion at work where a colleague was telling us that in his younger days his friends and he would have a discussion about how many roses/proposals they got on Valentine's day.. It was a fun discussion.. it took us all down the memory lane and we began to get nostalgic albeit silently not really wanting to share our rather shady memories of Valentine's days in our younger days..

Today, for no particular reason several people came to mind.. A friend who'd been in a long distant relationship with her then boyfriend and now husband, A friend who'd been in a steady relationship with her then boyfriend and now husband, another friend from work who would talk to her hubby throughout the day- on reaching office, after having lunch and before leaving from work.. Couple of friends at work who're now in a long distance relationships with their spouses owing to transfers.. Well, I really admire the love these people shared with their better halves and still do.. Its nice to see so much love in these people's lives especially when we're living in a world where hatred is spreading like wild fire.. Having said this,I've realised that love is not just for lovers who love each other deeply..

Love is also when your mother hovers over you and waits on you hand to foot during your short visit home..

Love is also when your Dad will drop all his work and be available at your beck and call especially when you need him..

Love is also when your brother sends you memes that are silly, but make you smile nevertheless..

Love is also when your colleagues at work become like your brothers teasing you mercilessly, but also taking care to ensure you reach home safely when you have left late from work..

Love is also when your friend drops you home and waits till you have reached your doorstep and then drives away..

Love is when your husband heats the food and serves you after you've reached home following a journey of almost 5 hours..
Love is when your friends say mean things to you on your face but always say nice things about you behind your back (in you absence)..

Love is when your sister in law is like a mother to your daughter especially since you're not around much..

Love is that extended family who loves you and respects you for who you are not wanting you to change a thing about yourself..

Love is all these and much more..

Today I'm thankful I've experienced love in all its forms and I feel blessed to have such beautiful people in my life..

Just got off the phone after talking to my Valentine..that's my daughter.. She wished me a happy Valentine's day.. and I had a hearty laugh hearing her narrate how she "celebrated" Valentine's day.. (She gave away chocolates to her cousins which my husband bought for himself).. I just couldn't stop laughing especially since the husband is sulking at his loss of chocolates..

By the way according to Nikki (my daughter) scoldings are also a form of love.. Sometimes the things she says just make me want to hold her and hug her tightly..

Let me sign off by saying "Love is beautiful..To love and to be loved is the greatest treasure of life"..

Happy Valentine's Day all :-)

Lots of love
Sharon <3


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