Travel diary

So I'm writing this because I'm bored and unable to fall asleep.. I thought why not write something that might bore others and help them fall asleep.. lol..

Recently traveled to Baroda for official reasons.. Blah! Some of you might say.. Well anyway, trips are events that provide a lot of scope for observing people.. And while flying is supposed to be the 'fastest' mode of travel the time spent at the airport checking in luggage and the security check and all the other 'drama' it feels like years before the flight actually takes off.. anyway this "free time" makes for some very entertaining observations.. There are various kinds of travelers at the airport.. You may have seen these people.. please feel free to add to the list below:

1. The selfie enthusiast:- Well, you know who I'm talking about.. You know the guy sitting near the window tryin to get a good shot of the "clouds"..
And since we're all for gender equality so why leave the ladies behind..So on an early morning flight this lady sitting next to me is busy clicking selfies.. how she's able to look bright and chirpy at that hour is beyond me.. anyway after all the hard work of taking selfies she finally fell asleep with her mouth wide open.. I never knew watching people asleep could be so comical.. I was so tempted to take a pic of her while she was asleep but didn't want to come across as a creep.. so jus stuck to reading my book..

2. The Business Man/Woman:- You canmot miss the guy/girl in the business suit furiously typing away at his/her laptop on the flight..Tick tick tick.. Click click click..Time is money.. who better to teach us this than the "suit boot waalas"..

3. The tired parents:- All of us with kids have been in this category at some point of time.. so on the recent trip I saw this baby who was so full of energy.. she was running around the whole airport and her parents were running after her.. I could see both of them praying for time to go faster so they could board the flight and catch their breath.. for their same I sincerely prayed that the flight wouldn't be delayed..

4. The movie enthusiast.. This is your movie buff taking time to catch up on some of the latest flicks.. Saw a guy watching "Alladin" .. in Telugu.. wondering what the Telugu dialogues would be like.. No I'm not racist.. lol..

5. The foodie:- This person never lets go of an opportunity to sample any kind of food.. even the stale and cold chicken sandwiches and tinned juice sold at exorbitant prices on the flight..

So these are just a few kinds of people I've seen.. I'm sure there are many more interesting kinds of people out there.. In case you're wondering, which kind of traveler I am - well I'm the snobbish, intellectual who loves to read on journeys but would keep aside the book just observe the people around.. I'm sure this post will ensure none of you will want to travel with me.. lol :-)


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