A rant from a disillusioned Banker

In the wake of what is probably the biggest financial fraud the country's ever seen, social media is flooded with blogs, comments and articles on what, when and how the incident happened.. And honestly I'm getting tired of the jokes being made regarding banks.. The most famous one being that a staff from a particular bank was bestowed with an award since he refused a loan to the borrower in question because it was 'lunch time' and thus saved the bank from a huge disaster (read 'fraud')..

A few days back Virender Sehwag tweeted 'Umpires treating Indian batsmen like how Banks treat customers'.. This really got my goat! The message implied was that bank employees are lazy and are drawing salaries without doing any work.. For anyone following the latest news I'm sure you would be aware of the new schemes the govt is coming up with and the PSU banks are the channels of distribution for the same.. During the 'Demonetisation' drive Bankers did an excellent job to ensure that all customers could deposit their money in a smooth manner.. But of course all that is not noticed.. People turn a blind eye to all the good service they receive from bankers.. I'm appalled at the apathy shown towards a banker.. So according to public opinion PSU bank staff are inefficient and lazy.. But the same customers would want their funds to be kept in the same PSUs.. And the same customers would prefer a spouse working in a PSU.. And would advise their wards to take up a job in a PSU.. The hypocrisy makes my blood boil.. A customer actually said to me that I'm a 'public servant'.. The emphasis being on 'Servant'.. Yes, I'm a public servant.. But I'm not a bonded laborer.. For those of you who didn't know, bonded labour has long since been abolished in India..

So coming back to what Mr Virender Sehwag said about bankers.. Dear Sir, when you arrived at the cricketing scene, you could barely speak 2 lines in English.. But that didn't stop the billions in our country from idolising you because we don't believe that speaking fluent English is a measure of a person's talent.. So we showered you with love and adoration and cheered for you and supported you even during times when you were out of form.. But now that you're a star and have achieved name and fame it still doesn't give you the right to make sweeping comments against a class of professionals or about the profession you don't have the slightest clue about.. Stop taking cheap shots at people just so that you can trend on Twitter.. Believe me Sir, my fellow bankers and me respect all the customers that walk into the Branch.. 'Customer is king'.. Was, is and will always remain our motto.. And we bankers strive to give the best service possible.. Having said this I still reserve my right to open my lunch box and have a quick bite during 'lunch hour'.. #lunchkebaadaana#


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