Stop petting my peeves!
So coming back to the question about how I react when I'm angry.. Well,I AM usually calm.. Or at least I give out the impression that I'm calm and collected and patient (Yes I see my close friends reading this and rolling their eyes.. Heh heh heh).. But there are situations/things people do or say that really annoy me..
1) The "I-see-your-earphones-plugged-in-your-ears-but-I-still-want-to-talk-to-you" kinda people.. Well today earphones are an acceptable tool used to ignore people around.. But you can't really ignore this class of people.. For them seeing someone with ear phones plugged in is a challenge.. The one they will overcome at any cost.. I personally get annoyed at this group because once I have unplugged my earphones and acknowledged their presence these people totally ignore me and get busy with their phones.. Talk about cheap thrills!!!!
2) Hello 'dear'.....
I cringe every time someone uses this word.. Good morning dear.. Thank you dear.. Yes dear.. The list is endless.. Ugh!!! I'm not your 'dear'.. Not even after one or two beers!!!
3) High beam..
I always thought that the high beam is used while driving on the highway.. Apparently I'm wrong because people in city limits love to drive with high beam on.. I'm not sure of the purpose especially when there are street lights in working condition and the roads are well lit.. And a few talented ones flash their headlights to tell me to make way for them.. I know we're all in a hurry to reach our destinations.. But I'd like to reach my destination just in time and preferably in one piece!..
4) Hey sing a song..
This is the line I dread the most.. At any gathering.. So I have a decent sounding voice.. And I sing on certain occasions.. But it's scary and at times mildly annoying when at a group get together the crowd suddenly demands that I sing a song.. I'm there to enjoy the party just like you.. And I admire your talent just like you admire my talent.. But have you ever seen me walk up to anyone at the gathering, playing "Hips don't lie" on my phone and say "Naach Basanti Naach".. You see my point?
5) Are you pregnant??
This one takes the cake.. Well, I have a paunch/big belly.. Not something that I'm proud of but it's mine and I have no choice.. Its here to stay.. And I cannot help but feel exasperated at times when people ask me the same question again and again.. "Are you pregnant"?.. "Why?, Are you conducting a survey on pregnant women?" I feel like asking them.. But being the calm and collected person that I am, I just politely reply in the negative..
Well,I try to make my blog posts fun and worth reading.. Today I want to try and make it informative too.. Read carefully and understand.."A Big tummy does not always indicate a pregnancy"..
I feel sad for these people and wonder If I should share the dates of my cycle with them.. Will save them a lot of time wondering about my health status..
These are small issues.. Considering how life gets difficult at times I sometimes feel that we shouldnt take things too seriously.. Paraphrasing the 5 by 5 rule.. "If it won't matter in the next 5 years, don't spend more than 5 minutes getting angry about it"..
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