On 'World Unfriend Day'

A few days ago, this colleague who works in the same office as me passed me by without even glancing in my direction.. This after sending me a friend request on Facebook and my having accepted the same.. Seeing the colleague's indifference about my presence made me visit the 'friend's' profile and unfriend the 'friend'.. And that's precisely the purpose behind celebrating 'World Unfriend Day' on 17th of November every year.. Well I wasn't aware of this when I unfriended this particular person.. But when a friend mentioned this, I Googled to find out what it was all about.. Apparently 'World Unfriend Day' is a day earmarked to trim those friend lists on various social media channels.. Those friends whom we haven't seen in ages or don't really care to be in touch with.. 'World Unfriend Day' is the time to give them the boot..

So I got down to the job of going through my friend list in an attempt to trim it and get rid of the 'clutter'.. 5 names down the list and I decided I'm not up for the task.. All social media channels and especially Facebook gives you that sneak peak into other people's lives.. Its the perfect app for someone like me who's lazy about keeping in touch with people but would still like to know what's happening in others' lives.. Well, I'm not exactly the proverbial 'curious cat'.. But then if people on my friend list have no problem sharing details of their lives on Facebook and other social media channels, I have no problem in sifting through the updates appearing on the newsfeed.. So I decided I'm not going to unfriend people on my friend list.. Of course, the colleague who ignored me.. well, that was on an impulse.. And I hope Facebook comes up with a disclaimer stating that the 'Person may not look as attractive as he/she appears in the profile pic'.. Will save the likes of me from getting requests from friends of mutual friends who come up with lines like 'Wanna make fraandhsip with you'.. Well, I don't want to sound like the grammar Nazi but bad language and atrocious spellings are a total turn off for me.. There is no way in hell I'm going to be interested in fraandhsip or friendship with this brand of people.. Also,since you're sending me a friend request solely on the basis of how I look in my profile pic, hence you are shallow.. And I don't like shallow..

So the reason why this friend mentioned about 'World Unfriend Day' to me is because I'm known to unfriend close friends.. For me unfriending a close friend on Facebook or blocking them on WhatsApp is the adult version of being 'katti' with my closest pals.. Its my way of expressing my hurt and telling my close friends that they hurt my feelings.. Of course, I unfriend this group of friends in a fit of rage and block them from all social media channels only to realise that I can't block them from my memories.. So after a few days when the storm has calmed down and when I'm tired of ignoring them I decide to swallow my pride and send them a friend request again and unblock them on other social media.. And as charming as I suppose I am and since I'm supposedly hard to ignore my friend requests are accepted.. Its just that Facebook has stopped showing this particular update on the newsfeed.. I guess Facebook has decided that my unfriending and subsequently befriending the same people is a routine affair and hence not newsworthy..

Anyway for those of you who are fed up of people sending you gaming requests or pestering you to like their page, this the time to review your friend list and get rid of those people whom you don't really want to be in touch with.. Get out of this virtual world of friends and spend time with the people around you.. They're the real deal..


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