I want my 2 hours 4 minutes back Miss 'Simran'

'Simran' is just the third Kangana Ranaut movie that I watched, the other two being 'Fashion' and 'Queen'.. While 'Fashion' may have won Priyanka Chopra the National Award for 'Best Actress' it was an out and out Kangana movie.. That panache.. The chutzpah with which Kangana portrayed the role of a super model totally blew my mind.. With 'Queen', Kangana set the bar so high that it was beginning to look like she would rule bollywood.. And would have a fan following second only to the Khans.. But alas! It was not meant to be.. Her latest venture 'Simran' was a heartbreaker.. I'm thankful to my friend for having refused to agree to watch this movie with me at the theater.. She saved me some bucks that I can now use to renew my Netflix subscription..

The premise of the movie is plausible.. We can all relate to the independent, hard working protagonist Praful Patel who's a hard working woman and dreams of owning a house.. Her entire focus is on saving money to buy herself that dream house.. The problem begins when this independent, hard working woman loses all her savings due to her sudden addiction to gambling and turns into a thief who loots banks in order to raise money to pay back the moneylender.. The bank robbery scenes are supposed to be comic.. But being a Banker myself they failed to make me laugh.. In fact each robbery scene made my blood boil.. I'm sure I speak for all Bankers when I say that the security is not lax as depicted in the movie.. One cannot waltz in and out of a bank after looting it without an alarm being raised or without the security stopping you.. Apart from this the whole movie feels terribly wrong.. It's made just to showcase Kangana's talent which I'm seriously doubting she has.. Overall it's a total disappointment and made me wonder if it's the same Kangana who gave us hits like 'Fashion' and 'Queen'..

I really admire your talent Miss Ranaut.. And it's totally brave to be able to be yourself and show people the real you.. You don't find too many people who are not afraid to be themselves.. Hats off to you for that.. I am an independent woman.. I'd like to be depicted as just that.. Independent, honest and not afraid to stand up for what I believe in without being turned into a comic burglar who suddenly in the blink of an eye loses her moral compass and sets out to loot banks.. If you are going to make movies like this and insult my sensibilities in the name of creative license I'd much prefer to go back to the Karan Johar brand of cinema and be swept off my feet in an exotic location and dream of a happily ever after.. And if I want a reality check or something to bring me back to the harsh truth of this world I'll just tune into the latest episode of Crime Patrol..


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