On Mother's Day

I woke up to a lot of forwards wishing me a 'Happy Mother's Day'.. A few years ago I wrote a post on the occasion of Mothers day, talking about how my mother is the most important person in my life.. Today my Facebook wall was filled with posts of people putting up pics with their mom's.. Many of my friends have also changed their display pics on Whatsapp.. I found all this 'over the top'.. Speaking for myself, I'm very grateful for the gift of my mother.. And whatever I am today I owe it all to my mother.. I don't think putting up a post on' Mother's day' is sufficient to thank our mothers for all that they have done for us.. I don't think they even want the appreciation or the gratitude..

Speaking of my own experience being a mother, I would do anything for my daughter..And wouldn't regret it at all.. And it's just a mothers first instinct to go all out and do anything for her children.. Her children take precedence over anything else or anyone else in a mother's life.. And I speak for all mothers when I say that we're not expecting any awards for this.. It's just something that comes naturally to us.. To love our children unconditionally.. To do anything for them without giving it a minute's thought.. That's how we're wired..

I'm sure mothers reading this would agree with me when I say that motherhood is not as idealistic as it's made out to be.. Yes being a mother is a gift and arguably one of the best feelings in the world.. But then every mother has her weak moments.. There are days when we have no clue about how to deal with a particular situation.. Because none of us got the memo on 'How to be an ideal mother'.. So most of the time we're playing it by the ear.. I'm not a strong contender for 'Mom of the year'..Like I said earlier, I have my weak moments.. And I tend to be less patient at times.. But I try to so my best.. I would do anything to see my daughter happy.. And I don't expect anything in return.. I just hope that my daughter knows that I'm always with her.. Whether she needs me or not.. I'll always be around.. Being the best mom I could possibly be..

So here's wishing all the moms out there a 'Happy Mother's day'.. May we always have the strength to go on.. To care for and nurture our kids and raise good human beings..God bless us all..


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