ShobhaGate.. What's all the fuss about???

For the past two days, Social Media is filled with people trolling Shobha De because she happened to make a remark about the Indian contingent representing our nation at the Rio 2016 Olympics.. Her tweet seems to have hurt the sentiments of the nation.. Of course we're also marching towards our 70th Independence Day which has probably increased the feeling of patriotism among us.. Whatever be the reason, I'm still trying to figure what is it about her tweet that has offended the people around.. Agreed that her remark was downright mean and inconsiderate.. But then it was just a casual remark.. Like people telling me casually that I'm fat.. I don't feel offended and troll those people on social media.. I just block them.. From my life.. Heh heh heh..

Coming back to the point, I have a couple of questions for all those people who are offended by Ms De's tweet.. So tell me, did you hear of Dipa Karmakar prior to this year's Olympics? Do you follow any other sport religiously like how you follow cricket? Would you prefer your child to pursue a career in Athletics instead of cricket??? If the answer to any of the above questions is 'no', you probably should refrain from making any further negative comments against Shobha De's tweet on this matter.. Where were all you people when the most obnoxious person of recent times (Salman Khan) was named the goodwill ambassador representing Indian contingent at the Rio Olympics?? How in the world is he connected to sports? Unless going to the gym is considered a 'sport', in which case many more people could've fancied their chances at being nominated as the goodwill ambassador..

So when you trolled Shobha De, what you did was give her free publicity.. I'm sure people who haven't heard of her too would've Googled her and downloaded a few books of hers especially since some of you described her as 'nothing more than a porn writer'.. Well, you might want to read "Fifty shades of grey" by E.L James.. That, my friends is called 'porn'..

So go ahead and get your copy of "Fifty shades".. It'll help you get your mind off Shobha De and her cheap antics to get your attention.. And more importantly, voice your opinion on matters that really count.. It'll be valued more.. Trust me.. :-)


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