Random musings

Apparently, people get offended when you give them a dose their own medicine. Of course, this time I went overboard and gave this person a whole bottle. So I get why this someone is hurt/offended/insulted.. Anyway.. It never fails to amuse/baffle and sometimes even piss me off.. So people get to do as they please, say what they want but the moment you decide to stop putting up with their crap, you're labelled a 'villain'.. I guess I've been called some other names, things that I can't type because I don't want to defile my blog space.. But you get the drift, don't you?

So the issue was this colleague would make remarks about my weight and call me 'fat' and such things.. On most occasions I wouldn't bother.. Because I've noticed that the people making comments about another person's looks/dressing sense are often insecure about their own.. So, I don't usually take such comments to heart.. This time however, he caught me at the wrong moment.. I'm celebrating, "I'm-not-putting-up-with-anymore-of-your-shit" week.. So anybody who's offended me even the slightest bit, has been dealt with as I saw fit.. And I thought this guy needed to be put in his place.. So I made a casual remark which went something like "If you look like Hrithik Roshan, you can make comments about other people.. But when you look like Nana Patekar its not fair for you to be making remarks about other people's appearance.. Usually a one liner from me is enough to shut people up.. But our friend here didn't get the hint, and went on to ask "Who's Nana Patekar?".. I replied, "He's the ugliest actor in Bollywood".. CHECK-MATE.. Game over!! Our friend just couldn't take the 'insult' and retreated.. The friend is now sulking and hasn't said a word to me since the 'conversation'.. My advise to you lovely people - "If you can't take it, don't dish it out"

I'm not big on looks.. I admire good looking people but I look beyond the looks and try to understand the people around me.. You could be the ugliest person on the planet for all I care.. But if I like you, that's all that matters from that moment onwards.. So I don't get people's obsession with beauty..I agree, grooming is important.. It is important to be dressed well, to make yourself presentable to the world.. But is it the only thing? And if people don't want to 'fit in' why are they branded as 'fat', 'dull', 'boringly dressed'??? How is my dress or figure going to affect my work?? How is my waistline anybody's concern??

Most people are self centred and consider themselves as the best.. Some others are insecure and not confident of their looks or even themselves.. Then there are others who are sensitive and take to heart whatever people say/do.. It is precisely for these reasons that I never comment on people's appearance/clothing, unless I want to tell them how beautiful/sexy/hot/attractive they look.. It is also for those same reasons I usually don't do or say things that I know for certain will hurt someone..

But apparently people also have double standards.. "Do to others, as you want them to do for you" is redundant.. It's actually unheard of.. So the best way to deal with such things is to remove yourself from the equation.. Will sum up with something I read online "The less people you chill with, the less bullshit you deal with".. (heh heh heh)

You may end up alone, but sometimes you have to know loneliness to value the presence of people in your life.. You have to take the time to cool off and realise that no matter how much a loved one hurts you, you've got to appreciate all the other times the person did good things for you.. People are generally good at heart.. You have to look beyond their outward appearance, look beyond the mask and you'll find that the person in there is much more beautiful and caring than you know..


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