On Friendship Day..

There was a time when I would wait for this particular day.. The long hours spent making cards (yes!I used to make cards for my friends.. I don't know what I was thinking..) and writing letters to let my friends know how much they mean to me.. (again I don't really know what I was thinking..) and I remember my friends gushing about how 'sweet' the gesture was and how 'creative' my idea of making cards was.. I don't know if they felt genuinely happy or were just being polite.. Anyway.. Friendship day in those days seemed like a big deal to me.. Today.. Hmmm.. Well, let's see..

Today.. I woke up to a lot of friendship day msgs on the various WhatsApp groups I'm part of.. And my FB was filled with posts of people waxing eloquent about their friends.. How they were there for them always.. And how lucky they are to have them in their lives.. Yada Yada Yada Yada.. For a moment I was tempted to put up a friendship day quote and tag my friends and thank them for being my friends.. Then I remembered a saying which says 'a sign of a good relationship is not sign of it at all on Facebook'.. Probably from someone who got jealous of seeing people flaunting their relationships on FB.. So it got me thinking today.. What are we actually celebrating? What is friendship? Who are BFFs? Does friendship last forever?

'Forever' is overrated, according to me.. I highly doubt that all of us have the same set of friends throughout our lives.. Yes most of us are in touch with our childhood friends thanks to WhatsApp and other social networking apps.. But is that relationship the same as what it was during our school days? I've had the good fortune of having the best of friends at various stages in my life.. They are people who made those stages memorable for me.. And I will always remember their contributions in my life.. But they are not in touch with me today.. Except for an occasional text or a call once in a while and sometimes not even that.. It makes me think that maybe friendship isn't forever.. Memories are but relationships are not.. What is friendship then? Is it just meeting up/ going out/partying together? What happens when I need to talk about some serious stuff or when I need a shoulder to cry on? If I can speak my mind without the other person feeling uncomfortable then that person would be a friend.. A very cynical thought but then sugar coating stuff was never my forte..

so while the world celebrates the gift of their friends I have spent today remembering all those friends who've touched my life.. I would like to say to them "Thank you for stopping by.. Your memories will always be cherished".. I am also thankful to those friends who are presently a part of my life.. Some of whom have known me for a while now.. To you I would like to say" Thank you for accepting me and loving me when I was the least lovable"..cliched yes.. But then these people I'm talking about know that I'm not an easy person.. But they are the people with whom I can be myself with and who don't judge me.. Thats the biggest gift any friend can give you.. So cheers to those friends who make life less monotonous.. And whose presence in our life makes its worth living.. Happy friendship day to all the people who were/are part of my life.. You are valued a lot.. :-)


  1. Hey! I was actually thinking y Sharon has not come up with any msg on watsapp or in FB. .. Now I know y :) Happy Friendship Day Sweetie... :))


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