R.I.P Blackie

Blackie came into our lives 6 years ago as a pup. According to a friend this pup was a replacement for me. She actually went on to say that my parents had written me off and brought home a dog which was supposed to be a replacement for me. Well when you have friends like her you don't need enemies.. Anyway I had moved to Bangalore since my job brought me here. And my brother used to hardly be at home so Blackie came to be my parents youngest child. And boy did they spoil him! I'm not really fond of dogs. Find them too clingy and needy. Mind you I can get clingy and needy too. But those are not qualities I admire in others. Talk about double standards. So not being overtly fond of dogs and not being home much I never really got to spend time with him. But his affection for me never dimmed. Whenever I would go home to Mangalore he would always welcome me with so much warmth. Being a crossed Doberman he was huge and had a strong build. And I would be apprehensive to go close to him. But his eyes were so gentle and loving that I couldn't resist the urge to pet him.

And then I got married and when my husband came home he thought he had one more person to pet him, but his size and the sound of his bark was sufficient for my husband to resist the urge to pet me. Then when my daughter joined us I didn't pet him much since I didn't want his fur to be transferred to my then infant daughter. And the few times I've visited home after that he used to look at my daughter with so much envy, since he was used to being the baby of the house. My daughter ever the friendly kid, had no fear of him and would want to go close to him. But fearing that he would bite her I never let her go close to him. The last time I went home in May this year, he was hale and hearty and I remember giving him a stern look since he growled at my daughter. Never realized that would be the last time I would see him or I would have petted him a lot and held him close.

They say "A dog is a man's best friend", And he was. My dad's bestest friend. I remember him jumping all over my dad as he left for work and how it would annoy my dad since his paw marks used to be all over his pants. And he would eagerly await my dad's arrival since he would then take him out for long walks. I'm sure, at this moment daddy would give anything to have Blackie back and jumping all over him and totally messing his clothes. For Blackie my dad was his world. He looked at him with so much adoration, it was so cute. And then he left us all yesterday. He was sick for a month and finally died yesterday. Thankfully I wasn't there at home. It's cruel to have to watch a loved one die and more painful if its a pet. My parents, my dad especially is heartbroken and they will miss him terribly. In all these years that Blackie was with us we never needed to lock our house since people used to fear coming close once they had a look at him. Blackie is now in a happy place probably guarding the gates of heaven. That's the only place a soul as innocent and pure as him can be.

Rest in peace Blackie. You will be terribly missed.


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