Hasta Manana till we meet again..

Cheesy line from an all time favourite song of mine.. Parting from people we have grown used to is always a challenging task.. While my line of work gives me the opportunity to work in different offices and with different people, it also forces me out of my comfort zone with every transfer that comes my way..

In the past one year I've had the opportunity to work in a branch that can be called as one of the busiest offices in the city and by default I've had to handle a section that I didn't know the A, B, C of.. But this experience has taught me a lot.. It has put me in situations where I've had no choice but to pull up my socks and get to work.. Ive been stretched to my limits on days and I've been able to work in a way that even I never knew I was capable of.. All this is because of the people I've worked with.. Colleagues and customers alike.. The thing about working in a bank is, it probably is one of the few professions that provides us the opportunity to get to work with so many different people during the span of our career.. And when we spend most of our waking hours at our work place the people we work with become our family.. Not taking away anything from my real family and close friends.. While I have cribbed endlessly about work and people in general (And God knows I have cribbed soooooooooooooo much.. My husband, parents and friends will vouch for that) today when I have been relieved from this office, I'm left with an empty feeling.. I won't be working with those ppl again.. We won't share jokes/food.. I won't get to pick up petty fights only to forget our differences the next minute and get to work.. I won't get to learn from these people.. Some of whose experience is greater than my age.. These are the people I'm leaving behind as I step into a new office tomorrow and get to handle a new section.. Something I know nothing of right now..

So, as I bid farewell to the office that has been my home away from home for the past 1 year 26 days, I acknowledge and appreciate all the support that has been extended to me during this time..

Someone has rightly said.. We meet to depart and we depart to meet again.. So until we meet again.. Here's wishing u all the very best that life has to offer.. And I will miss you guys..


  1. Very nicely written ya...last wordings are so true...


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