Presiding Officer's Diary...

When I was commissioned for election duty, it never occurred to me that the assignment would turn out to be a nightmare.. All the people who've gone for election duty before told me what a horrible job it was.. But I wasn't worried.. I thought to myself, "How bad can it be?".. Turns out that it can be real bad..

And I was assigned the job of a Presiding Officer (PRO)..From never having been assigned election duty before to straightaway being assigned a PROs job was kind of a shocker.. Lets just say I got lucky or 'unlucky' as I realised later.. For those of you who are familiar with election duty you will know how important or should I say how risky the job of a PRO is.. As PRO you are in charge of everything that happens at your Polling Station.. And as PRO you also have to ensure that polling happens 'peacefully'.. Of course the question here is how can people be 'peaceful' if they are standing in queues for more than an hour.. For that is exactly what happened at my polling station.. the turnout of voters was high with people waiting in the queue for more than an hour.. And since we're the "2 minute" generation,we cant wait for anything.. So there's this guy who breaks the line and comes forward to have a look at what's taking it so long, I was worried he would pick up a fight.. Fortunately for me, the sight of the policewoman guarding our polling station was enough to scare him.. so he went back to his place at the end of the line, with his tail between his legs.. ;-)

This was just the tip of the iceberg.. The nightmare had already started when at the polling station, on the previous night of the polls I convinced my team that we needed to connect all the machines and check if everything's working fine.. We had a defected unit and it took 10 calls to get our unit replaced.. It was so late by the time we received our replacement I was dead tired I couldnt keep any of the million (ok! Im exaggerating) forms that we're expected to fill up, ready.. I was tired and just went off to sleep.. For those of you who thought its a pleasure doing election duty, let me give you some info about the 'Arrangements' made for Polling officials.. There was just one bathroom, where the latch was broken.. So you can understand why we would be hesitant to use this bathroom.. But since we had no other choice we had to use this bathroom.. No food was provided.. We were left to fend for ourselves.. Of course I was lucky that our premises were clean. So even though we had to sleep on the floor it was ok.. Yes my dearies! As PRO I am incharge of all the polling materials especially the EVMs.. So I had to stay the night and guard the machines!!

The worst part had not even started.. The organisers in their infinite wisdom thought that it was a smart move to have a mix of people who have experience regarding election duty and those who don't.. This plan can turn out into a disaster when the PRO who's just begun her career is assigned polling officers who are at the fag end of their careers.. You can give up any hope of co operation from these people.. It would hurt any body's ego to work under someone their son's or daughter's age even though its just a matter of one day.. Adding insult to the injury was the remuneration which was much higher for PROs as compared to the remuneration for polling officers.. So I was stuck with a group who grudged the fact that being so young I get to be PRO and they all have to report to me.. And throughout the day I was fighting a battle alone.. It was like they had decided to not co operate.. since they have all election duty experience I thought things would go smoothly.. but alas! my group had decided that since I was PRO the entire thing was my responsibility.. they just wanted to get away by doing the bare minimum.. I didn't mind that they didn't want to co operate.. what annoyed me more was their comparison of other PROs who according to them were more efficient than me.. they coolly ignored the fact that the other polling officers in other groups were very co operative and were working together like a team..

And this experience brought back memories of the time when I had just joined work.. We have the same generation gap scenario at my organisation where the amount of service put in by the seniors is more than the age of the new joinees.. And where seniors grugde having the juniors sharing space with them.. I have personally experienced this feeling of animosity towards me because I'm a post graduate.. Well, there's no course in the world that can prepare you to face the kind of challenges life throws at I dont see why people are envious of my educational background.. In the bigger picture it doesn't count at all.. What counts is what you bring to the table your workplace.. But little do our seniors realise that.. they are more invested in petty feelings like envy.. and just like my polling officers remain aloof.. Sitting back quietly watching me struggle.. and wait to pounce on me when I make a mistake.. I'm 5 years old in the organisation and now it doesnt bother me as much as it used to earlier.. But I still hate the attitude of these people.. So you're a senior and you have more experience than me.. Then why don't you get off your high horse and share this experience with me.. Dont worry,It won't make me more successful than you.. but it will definitely make me respect you more.. Of course all seniors are not like that.. I've had the good fortune of getting to know some good seniors as well.. Speaking from expereince,if a senior takes a liking to you, there's nothing like it..They'll always have your back..They are very protective of you and very affectionate too.. And you can make a mess and be sure they'll help you clean it up.. ;-) But if a senior doesn't like you, you're screwed!! Boy! Was I screwed! So at the end of the polls while I was running from pillar to post trying to get everything ready so that we can leave as soon a possible my polling officials were busy visiting other polling booths and watching how they were doing their work.. And coming and telling me that only our booth has not finished.. That's when I lost it and gave them a piece of my mind.. That and a shouting from a PRO from the neighbouring booth got them going.. We finally finished.. Reached our demustering center, handed over all the items... Finally the nightmare was over..

On the way back home I cribbed my heart out to my husband and felt so happy to get it off my chest.. I hope I'm never assigned a PROs job again.. but even if I do I know what's in store.. And I ll be prepared for the worst..

Just heard that some booth a repolling has bern ordered.. Guess the nightmare still continues... :-(


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