
Dear Someone whom I don't talk to as much as I'd like to,

hey.. I miss u and our conversations.. How the minute I say 'hello', you know I'm upset about something and that is why I'm calling.. and how you never fail to make me feel better with your humor and some outrageous comments and all the songs that you sing.. I still feel u would do well as a radio jockey.. there is so much sadness out there and you would do well to make people realize that if they can survive listening to your show on the radio they can conquer any other problem.. lol.. I wish i could talk to you more often.. will call you soon..


Dear someone from my childhood,

I don't talk to you these days because I'm shy and wonder what you will think of me.. so i just say a rushed 'hi' whenever I see you and just walk away before you can initiate a conversation.. But I do treasure all the memories that I have of our childhood .. The silly games we used to play, you taught me to ride the bicycle, taught me to play badminton.. it is because of you that I developed an interest in cricket, even though you used to never let me bat since the bat belonged to you.. ;).. the endless hours of catching game we used to play, and hide and seek and lagori..those wonderful days.. I wish everyone gets one childhood friend like you and has fond memories of their childhood like I do.. :)

Dear someone I have drifted away from,

U meant a lot to me.. and if i could change one thing about my life it would be to have you back in my life.. To spend time chatting with you, to come over to your place for lunch, to poke fun at you and your 'modesty'.. and my lack of modesty where I proclaimed to be "The Way, The Truth and The Life"... And how after every fight i would tell you "to err is human, to forgive is divine" so be 'Divine' and forgive me.. ;) I hope you have all the happiness that your friendship has given to me and may you be blessed with life's best always..


Dear Someone that’s not in my country,

The first time I heard you're moving to Antigua I asked you where in the world is that place? and I remember making fun of you saying you will be living with tribals and how u were not amused with my jokes.. after more than a year of you having moved away I don't think the distance has impacted our relationship much.. cos despite the distance you are one of the few people I'm in touch with.. of course, all credit for that goes to you.. "Out of sight" does not always imply "out of mind".. :) hope our friendship lasts as long as we do :)


Dear someone that gave me my favorite memory,

NASA gang, the award goes to you people for having given me my favorite memories.. The lunch where we ditched Bush after which he named us the Brutus gang, the trip to Chickmangalore where we danced like crazy at the campfire, the sleepover at Benz's, the New year party at Benz's.. (n Benz I did not say I wanna demolish the wall), my wedding where Benz and the Babe both made it a point to come all the way to Mangalore (Miss I-Got-my-hair-straightened-recently - you're not excused and I'd better see you at the next family function I invite you for!) and more recently the movie which u'll DITCHED me and went to watch it by yourselves.. BITCHES! That's not my favorite memory but it made me realise that you'll mean something to me.. Yeah Benz please feel flattered that I consider you more than just a colleague.. heh heh heh.. here's to all the memories that make NASA gang special..

Just dial ;)


  1. will we ever have a sleep over??????

  2. Very Sweet, Sharon. Thanks for finding me a place in these lovely memories. And yes, Hope our friendship lasts as long as we do.


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