Happy Friendship Day :)
A very happy friendship day to all who are reading this and especially to all my friends.. :) I've been getting messages throughout this week wishing me a happy frienship week... Feels nice to be getting such wishes although I must say over the years how I view this relationship called Friendship has changed alot..
Till my Post Graduation I remember having given Freindship day cards to my friends.. Well I'm very choosy when it comes to choosing friends..And not that I'm very easy to be friends with, but there are very few people I refer to as "friends".. So my friends have always felt very nice whenever I have given them cards.. of course now I feel im too old for such stuff and basically I dont want to run the risk of tellin someone how special they are coz then people tend to take you for granted.. Actually these are most recent thoughts based on experiences of the past few months.. I wasn't always this cynical.. ;)
Nevertheless I've always had the good fortune of having the best of people as my friends.. People who are very good have been kind enough to overlook my shortcomings and accept me as a friend.. I should say my friends have helped me through some tough times and that is why i regard this relationship with a lot of importance.. Of course the nature of this relationship changes as you grow older.. Work and then married life leave you with little time to give to your friends..
But i guess thats a lame excuse.. read a fwd a few days back which said it depens on what your priorities are.. n you can keep in touch with people if the realtionship is important for you.. hmmm... im very bad at keeping in touch with people.. of all my friends that Iv'e made through school, college, PG accommodation and work, I'm in touch with just a handful and the effort has been from the other end.. Well if you leave out this flaw I'm a good friend.. heh heh heh.. At the expense of sounding boastful, I have to say that a lot of my friends have said to me that i make them feel special.. :)
Well i just have some simple fundas about how you can make someone feel special..like When Im spending time with a friend that person has my full attention.. I do not believe in multi tasking.. so if im talking to you on the phone or meeting you for a quick bite, even if we have just 5 minutes together you can be sure that those few minutes are devoted entirely to my friend..Apart from that i also make a conscious effort to avoid doing things i know my friend doesnt like.. I also have a good sense of humour and on my good days you can be sure to have a great time in my company.. these are simple enough to do.. another one i'm trying to do is not have expectations from friends coz im guessin it puts a lot of pressure on them.. i have a very close friend with whom i ve nevr had a fight and who have never gotten angry with me.. i asked her how she does it and she said she never expects anything from people.. well hats off to her and cheers to our friendship.. so its as simply as she puts it.. not to have any expectations from people especially friends and you can be sure you're saving yourself a lot of unwanted heartache.. Friedship is also based on love and trust.. you have to love your friends a lot and assure them that they can trust you with whatever they share with you.. that just about sums up the whole concept of friendship.. :)
On this friendship day I'd like to wish all my friends the best in life and say a special thank you for always having been there.. may you be blessed with all the joy and happiness that your friendship gives to me.. HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY! :)
Till my Post Graduation I remember having given Freindship day cards to my friends.. Well I'm very choosy when it comes to choosing friends..And not that I'm very easy to be friends with, but there are very few people I refer to as "friends".. So my friends have always felt very nice whenever I have given them cards.. of course now I feel im too old for such stuff and basically I dont want to run the risk of tellin someone how special they are coz then people tend to take you for granted.. Actually these are most recent thoughts based on experiences of the past few months.. I wasn't always this cynical.. ;)
Nevertheless I've always had the good fortune of having the best of people as my friends.. People who are very good have been kind enough to overlook my shortcomings and accept me as a friend.. I should say my friends have helped me through some tough times and that is why i regard this relationship with a lot of importance.. Of course the nature of this relationship changes as you grow older.. Work and then married life leave you with little time to give to your friends..
But i guess thats a lame excuse.. read a fwd a few days back which said it depens on what your priorities are.. n you can keep in touch with people if the realtionship is important for you.. hmmm... im very bad at keeping in touch with people.. of all my friends that Iv'e made through school, college, PG accommodation and work, I'm in touch with just a handful and the effort has been from the other end.. Well if you leave out this flaw I'm a good friend.. heh heh heh.. At the expense of sounding boastful, I have to say that a lot of my friends have said to me that i make them feel special.. :)
Well i just have some simple fundas about how you can make someone feel special..like When Im spending time with a friend that person has my full attention.. I do not believe in multi tasking.. so if im talking to you on the phone or meeting you for a quick bite, even if we have just 5 minutes together you can be sure that those few minutes are devoted entirely to my friend..Apart from that i also make a conscious effort to avoid doing things i know my friend doesnt like.. I also have a good sense of humour and on my good days you can be sure to have a great time in my company.. these are simple enough to do.. another one i'm trying to do is not have expectations from friends coz im guessin it puts a lot of pressure on them.. i have a very close friend with whom i ve nevr had a fight and who have never gotten angry with me.. i asked her how she does it and she said she never expects anything from people.. well hats off to her and cheers to our friendship.. so its as simply as she puts it.. not to have any expectations from people especially friends and you can be sure you're saving yourself a lot of unwanted heartache.. Friedship is also based on love and trust.. you have to love your friends a lot and assure them that they can trust you with whatever they share with you.. that just about sums up the whole concept of friendship.. :)
On this friendship day I'd like to wish all my friends the best in life and say a special thank you for always having been there.. may you be blessed with all the joy and happiness that your friendship gives to me.. HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY! :)
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