
Showing posts from 2025

What women want..

First of all, a very happy International Women's day to all the wonderful ladies out there.. Seeing the statuses of the women in my contact list I'm assuming the ladies had a good time celebrating "our" day and why not? We deserve a good time every once in a while so why not have a day to celebrate who we are - the fairer sex, the mentally stronger gender, besides being fun, enthusiastic, charming, ambitious go-getters.. Basically we can be anything we wish to be on any given day and we should take pride in that.. And Women's Day is an opportune moment to celebrate and revel in the pride of being a woman.. So what is it that a woman really wants.. I personally feel that women want different things from life depending on what phase of their life they're currently in.. As young girls we have a very idealistic expectation from life as we're looking at life from behind rose coloured glasses.. So a young girl dreams of getting married to a handsome Prince, have...

We never learn from our mistakes

When I reported here at Kochi, I had come with the clear goal of finishing my tenure and going back without making waves, friends and memories.. (not necessarily in that order) I was just getting over a a broken friendship with a close friend.. what people don't realise is that you don't just have to "get over" a failed relationship.. that probably is easier to get over since everyone around is sympathetic to a breakup.. no one gives a second thought if you say you're trying to "get over" a friend.. but a broken friendship is more difficult to deal with.. so I had just made my peace with how things between M and me are going to be and in the past one year I have made a conscious effort to let go.. I still care for her deeply but I just thought it would be prudent to loosen the grasp on the friendship and give M some breathing space..  The transfer order came at the right time I guess.. it was good to be in a new place and be able to have a fresh start.. ...