Moving on.. Or maybe not!
It felt like I knew you guys forever.. So, that initial awkwardness or the need to make that first 'good impression' was never felt.. And we just transitioned from colleagues to best buddies effortlesly.. There was nothing that we couldn't discuss about.. Yours was the only company where I felt safe and where I let my guard down.. I could be myself.. You know the passive aggressive, sarcastic, unpleasant person that I usually am.. But still you accepted me.. Because you saw some 'good' in me.. So while I was this rather 'difficult' person to be around with I was still welcome among you all.. And you never missed an opportunity to make me feel special.. Be it by celebrating my birthday with all the fanfare that a 'homesick' girl deserves, or by making my favourite dish because I had access to only boring PG food.. Those 8 or 9 years of my life have been the best years of my life.. There's absolutely no doubt about that.. Those dinner meets whe...