Sharon ko gussa kyun aata hai.. ;-)
So I read this line a few days back which goes something like this "I wish I was as thin as my patience".. This 'inspired/impressed' (for want of a better word) me so much, I put it up as my WhatsApp status for a while.. And for all the people who know me, (friends, acquaintances, colleagues included) you would know that it doesn't take much to ruffle my feathers.. In fact my mum says I will suffer some hypertension soon since I get aangry easily.. In my defence, I'd like to say that I have tried being patient.. Like really.. But somehow I can't find it in me to put up with all this bullshit.. And lots of times sheer stupidity from the other person makes me wanna bang my head somewhere.. Extreme you say? Well.. But what I really do is count from one to ten in my head.. But then sometimes even counting to a hundred is not sufficient to take my mind off the rubbish some people talk.. Anyway this post is not really about what gets my goat, but about some of ...