
Showing posts from August, 2024

Types of friends we all have.. (A friendship day special post)

First of all, a very happy Friendship day to all of you.. I think you have read enough quotes and seen enough reels depicting the importance of friends/friendship in our lives so I won't give you any more 'gyan' on the subject.. But the occasion calls for a customary blog post so I decided to pen down a few thoughts.. I've come a long way from being that naive girl who believed that 'Friendship is forever'.. "Friends forever" is something I scoff at now.. that's probably the cynic in me speaking.. But I've also come to realise that people come into your life at the exact point in time when you need them.. These people turn into friends and then long after they're gone still stay in your life albeit just as memories, but not without leaving a lasting impression on you..   Today I take this opportunity to thank all these different types of friends (some of who are still in my life and some who are not) who decided to adopt me as their friend