On Friendship Day..
There was a time when I would wait for this particular day.. The long hours spent making cards (yes!I used to make cards for my friends.. I don't know what I was thinking..) and writing letters to let my friends know how much they mean to me.. (again I don't really know what I was thinking..) and I remember my friends gushing about how 'sweet' the gesture was and how 'creative' my idea of making cards was.. I don't know if they felt genuinely happy or were just being polite.. Anyway.. Friendship day in those days seemed like a big deal to me.. Today.. Hmmm.. Well, let's see.. Today.. I woke up to a lot of friendship day msgs on the various WhatsApp groups I'm part of.. And my FB was filled with posts of people waxing eloquent about their friends.. How they were there for them always.. And how lucky they are to have them in their lives.. Yada Yada Yada Yada.. For a moment I was tempted to put up a friendship day quote and tag my friends and tha...