
Showing posts from May, 2020

My Solo trip ;-)

So this used to be a long standing joke between an old friend and me.. That I will undertake a solo trip someday.. and whenever I would talk about undertaking this 'solo trip', my friend would trip over me, cracking a lot of mean jokes at my expense.. Well, for those of you who know me closely probably know about my terrific sense of direction or rather the lack of it! I'm just terrible with directions.. I just can't seem to remember routes/roads/places/landmarks.. I'm directionally challenged.. so much so that another friend would joke saying that if she took me outside office and just swirled me around I wouldn't know in which direction to proceed in order to reach my house.. and that's precisely why Google Maps was invented.. To lead the 'blind' people like me.. lol.. Recently went home to Bangalore for a bit.. The normal mode of transport between Bangalore and Hassan used to be the Airavat (sigh! how much I miss you Airavat).. However, owing to t...