
Showing posts from May, 2015

While you were sleeping..

Love the moments when I watch you my Princess, asleep.. Apart from giving me some time to catch my breath, it gives me the opportunity to gaze at you.. Run my fingers through your hair.. Hold your tiny hands And I'm taken back to the day you were born.. And that first moment I held you in my arms.. I remember, I was so worried to hold you since you were so tiny and looked so vulnerable.. Three and a half years just flew by.. From making gurgling sounds or screaming/crying when you wanted something to now being able to tell me what you want,it's been a walk to remember.. And I know the years will just fly by and soon you'll be ready to leave our home to pursue your dreams.. I now understand the pain a parent feels when their child leaves home for various reasons be it education or work or even marriage.. My mother can at any given point of time mention the number of years and months that have gone by since I left my native place to pursue my dreams.. And it's heartbre...